On-line Member Portal

BPIC maintains a password-protected member portal that gives each member (and its thousands of employees, volunteers and clergy) access to risk control resources and on-line training. Each member can set up a training platform specific to its schools, parishes or ministries with opportunities to assign meaningful training and document participation and accountability.
The portal also contains pertinent confidential company documents related to board activities, meeting minutes, strategic plans and committee reports. 

BPIC Annual Members' Meeting

The BPIC Operating Team also houses all information related to BPIC Members' Annual Meeting, including the annual year-end Audited Financials, the Workshops' slide decks and any best practice programs that could be replicated in other member dioceses.

Every year, usually in May, there is a BPIC Annual Members' Meeting lasting two days - with all travel and accommodations funded by BPIC.

BPIC Annual Member Ownership Statement

Every year, usually in June, each BPIC member diocese receives an updated Ownership Statement of Equity in BPIC. This equity has experienced an average compounded rate of return over 10% over the 18 years and is an asset on each member diocese's balance sheet. Recall equity comes from both underwriting profit and investment income.